
Showing posts from 2022

City lovers blindfolded by capitalism, worldwide

Your city, today: "I ❤️ my city", read boards everywhere around town. Social media is full, "My city is the best. Yours sucks, haha!", with bitter battles over states of roads, metro awesomeness, and supposed 'welcoming' natures, or a lack of all of them. It doesn't take long for people to gang up on each other, internalize hurt and project it as a "hate" for their perfect little town.  A deeper dive into the exact points of argument are yummy eating spots, green spaces, unbeatable street food, warmness of city folk and a lack of language barriers. But a deeper-than-that look into it leads to a mafia of property owners and entrepreneurs - in whose shadow lie the corporate darkness that covers city landscapes. It's a perfect picture of pseudo-freedom that ordinary city folk never need to realize. Their deliciously magical local ice cream joint, majestically built architecture, mouth-watering local cuisine and legendary roadways have their ...

Both dog lovers, and the rest of existence, frozen in constant moral conundrum upon realising the only sustainable solution to human-stray conflict is culling

Right now, somewhere near you: It's a dog lovers curse to deal with the breed of human that doesn't love dogs, as much, or any at all. It takes a sharp turn especially with their care for strays and the response it can spur. This is evident in the recent surge of online discussions on the rising number of stray dogs on Indian streets. Those raising well-known legitimate issues that arise from the habit of feeding stray dogs and leaving them on the street get an instant "you'll only be happy once you kill them" response and other such taunts. Let's take stock of this heated conversation thread that repeats itself into infinity. In short, dog lovers jump to the immediate conclusion that people who don't have the same amount of natural devotion they feel for the animal species are effectively inhuman, by all standards. They take any counterview to mean that what all those who oppose them want is to see the street dogs dead. What that does not take into acc...